Saturday, May 8, 2010

Re-cap and feelings

Yay! 23things is over and it was a fun, fun time. Ironically my favorite thing about the whole experience was the webinar and listening to other librarians share what they liked and some of the applications they have used for their library! I really did enjoy learning things I didn't use, like screen casting and video sharing, and things I have used like facebook and IM. I was going to make a really cool glog (which is like a sharing site where you can make posters and videos, etc.) since it was something we didn't learn about and its a newer tool, but I kept running out of time and knew I really needed to re-cap.

I sure hope things like 23things continue and I can learn more, and hopefully lend a hand in teaching. I would love to volunteer for something so useful! Thanks!!!!

P.S: I do not know what we are supposed to do to show we attended the webinar, but I was front row center (with a faulty mic) on the Thursday at seven session.:)